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How to Stick with Your New Year’s Resolution to Floss Daily

December 8, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — drnagornaya @ 4:37 am
a woman flossing her teeth

It’s that time again – the start of a new year with its accompanying resolutions! Many people make a goal to floss more often but truly accomplishing it can prove to be challenging. But thoroughly cleaning between your teeth is essential to your oral health, so it’s a resolution worth following through. Here are some helpful tips to help you turn flossing into a habit and keep up your good intentions!

#1. Create an Easy Routine

The best way to make sure you are making time for flossing each day is by creating a routine. Choose one part of your morning or nighttime ritual when you will make time for brushing and using floss. This could include incorporating it into your shower routine. It can also be helpful to floss before you brush your teeth, so you are connecting the two dental habits. Once it becomes part of your process, it will be harder to stray from it!

#2. Set Reminders

Another way to ensure that you are remembering to floss is by setting reminders throughout the day. Whether this is an alarm on your phone or a friendly little note in the bathroom (with a picture of happy, clean teeth!), having an audible or visible reminder can help keep flossing at the front of your mind until it becomes second nature.

#3. Pick a Tool That Works for You

Thanks to advancements in technology, you are no longer relegated to just using ordinary flossing tools. Besides the kind that you measure out and cut on your own, you can choose a floss pick or water flosser. These devices are incredibly effective, quick, and easy to use. Plus, sometimes a new gadget is just what you need to give you that extra boost of motivation!

#4. Remind Yourself Why Flossing is Important

Flossing every day can help keep your teeth healthy for years to come. It helps remove plaque from between them, which can cause cavities and gum disease if left unchecked. Also, flossing helps get rid of stuck food particles, preventing bad breath and bacteria buildup which can lead to tooth decay over time. Finally, regular flossing increases blood circulation in the gums which helps promote overall oral health.

By following these helpful tips, you can make your New Year’s resolution of daily flossing a reality. With dedication and consistency, it will soon become part of your everyday routine!

About the Author

Dr. Natalya Nagornaya and her team at Countryside Dental pride themselves on providing top-notch care. She graduated from the University of Illinois College of Dentistry and is an active member of several dental associations, including the American Dental Association. With over two decades of experience, she’s passionate about helping you and your family achieve life-long healthy smiles! To schedule a checkup and cleaning, contact her through her website or call (847) 634-2525.

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